Thursday, May 5, 2011


Spring is one of my favorite times of year ~ except for the DST "Spring Forward" nonsense!  It's encouraging to wake up in the morning to find determined flowers peeking through the leaves and reaching for the sun.  As the days get warmer and longer, I love to play in the dirt.  Right now, I have a tiny vegetable and herb garden tucked in the corner of my suburban postage stamp yard and am looking forward to my first dish of fresh steamed broccoli with dinner tonight!  I found this picture taken at the Biltmore House by my friends Yvette and Sabrina last month and am now "chomping at the bit" to go plant a flower or twenty!  Have a wonderful spring day, friends!

~Celebrate Every Day with Style~


  1. Hi Gina! What time shall I come over for your fresh steamed broccoli? :)

    I love springtime, too, but unfortunately, it doesn't love me. Hence my love affairs with allergy supplements & OTC meds!

    Dressing My Truth

  2. I love broccili too. We do a garden since we live in my Grandmother's childhood home that used to be a farm. Still set up to be, but since my Grandaddy passed away and my Grandmother's Alzheimer's we do not have any cows anymore. But, my Daddy has a small garden here usually.......sweet corn...YUM!!!) But,my husband Chris has a larger one and we plant several things. several kinds of beans, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, tomatoes, jalepeno peppers for my mother in la, etc. You get the point. But, the best thing about Spring to me is we seem to be able to spend more time with our family from that point on...Easter, Spring Break , going into June there is usually a BBQ at someones house, into July with cookout, and fireworks. Then when Spring and Summer are over ....back to school and then there is a long wait in between get togethers. I love the picture, but I enjoy from not being allergies too do not appreciate it. So thanks to friends like Gina I get to see beautiful flowers through pictures. Thanks! God Bless!

  3. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Fresh garden veggies and fruit! Couldn't ask for better taste!! Just imagining after your beautiful picture of spring here! Chomping at the bit, not to plant though but to enjoy!!
